Latest on accommodation “Although we cannot stay in The Lodge arrangements have been made for us to stay at The Holiday Inn, New Road, Aylesbury, HP22 5QT The cost will remain at £48/per night IF BOOKING VIA PAULINE, this includes breakfast. The hotel is approximately 10 minutes away” Booking for the weekend is done through […]
BWAA TRAINING WEEKENDS Coaching Programme The BWAA has a dedicated team of coaches who are all familiar with the needs of para-archers. We assume that by coming to our weekends you want to be coached with the aim of improving your archery. If you just want to shoot, then let us know and we’ll leave […]
Latest on accommodation. 14-15th October accommodation is in the Lodge. Here you will find all of the information you need for the training weekends. This includes the dates and the booking form. BOOKING POLICY We have decided to alter the policy on booking for training weekends. As of the January camp we will be giving […]
Saturday 11/01/2025 to Sunday 12/01/2025
Saturday 22/03/2025 to Sunday 23/03/2025