Latest on accommodation
“Although we cannot stay in The Lodge arrangements have been made for us to stay at The Holiday Inn, New Road, Aylesbury, HP22 5QT
The cost will remain at £48/per night IF BOOKING VIA PAULINE, this includes breakfast.
The hotel is approximately 10 minutes away”
Booking for the weekend is done through the Association, any changes complaints etc must be channelled via Pauline Betteridge
We hold Training weekends at Stoke Mandeville Stadium with shooting being in the Main Hall, Saturday 09.00h -17.00h & Sunday 09.00h – 12.00h. The dates are on our web site British Wheelchair Archery.
The post code is HP21 9PP
At this moment we are unable to offer catering at Stoke Mandeville. Hopefully this will change but obviously we are anxious to start back again for the weekends. Costs for catering are very expensive as there is no longer in-house cooking.
If you intend to bring an assistance dog a copy of the passport / documentation must be forwarded to us. NO OTHER DOGS ARE ALLOWED ON SITE
We are requesting that the money is either transferred directly to our account or paid by cheque.
Booking for the weekend opens 1 month before the weekend on a first come basis
You need to book for the weekends at least 3 weeks prior to the weekend & there is no cancellation in the week prior to the weekend. If you are not able to come we unfortunately have to bill you for 100% of your booking
We have coaches who have taken an interest in coaching those with a disability & therefore have experience of dealing with a range of problems.
We have a number of coaches available at BWAA weekends, as well as the personal coaches of individual archers. We also receive visits from coaches working in the Archery GB talent identification system.
Approximately 1 week prior to the weekend you will be sent a list with your coach allocated to you for the weekend. How much time will depend on the number of coaches attending that particular weekend.
There is a charge of £8 per weekend towards coaching. The shooting fees of £5 per half day session will be suspended for the 2022 October, November and 2023 January, February Training Weekends due to some funding we have acquired. The coaching levy for each day will remain the same and are not optional.
We are able to advise on how to correct postural & seating issues
Please make sure you register your car registration at either the hotel or sports stadium reception on arrival as this will protect you from getting a parking ticket.
If you park in a disabled bay you MUST display your blue badge, they are very strict on their use
Web site
Please contact Pauline Betteridge to book for weekends